Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How To Start A Blog

If you are here because you have learned that you can make money off of blogging, first, I must tell you that you're gonna need a lot of patience and focus to start a blog. I must also let you know that I am not really good in writing or speaking English so please bear with me.

Now, back to our "How To Start A Blog" lesson. Starting a blog is easy if you have access to a computer and internet (of course). What is a Blog? Well, you can go to wikipedia for a technical explanation about it. All I can say is, what you are reading now is a blog. My blog. Its mine and I can put any content that I want to. I can write anything here.

The steps to start a blog.

Go to a to start a blog. I recommend it if you are planning to make money off of it eventually. Just follow the instructions on in and you should be all set. Is it that so easy? The answer is yes. But the monetizing part of it is the hard part (I am only speaking from experience here, okay? Your experience may differ from mine or could be with ease.).

Start blogging.... and reading, too.

Blog about the things that you like. But, also blog about others' interests. If you are trying to make money off of it you should accept the fact that sometimes you will have to write about the things that interests other people. The internet is a web that connects people. Interaction is inevitable. Socialize with other bloggers. Read their blog, understand it. Don't be self-centered. You must consider others' thoughts and opinions and learn from them.

Focus on your content.

The content of your blog is the most important factor if you are trying to earn money from it. Do not overdo the design of your pages. I will explain this further in my future posts why you should not WASTE time beautifying your blog.

That's all for now. Go to and start a blog. Monetize later. It is time investment.

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Learn How to Start A Blog

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